Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Main Cause of Diabetes

A Little Introduction

Diabetes is a common disease after the age of 50. Although this disease is more prevalent among the elderly, its incidence is increasing among the younger generation as well. So it is very important for us to take care of our health.


We all know that the main cause of diabetes is the craving for excessive amounts of sweet foods. But is this true?? No it is not true. Diabetes is not caused by eating too much sweets, but by eating sugar. Yes, this is the sugar without which your morning tea is incomplete.


You must have asked the same question, eating sweet foods only causes diabetes, so how can only sugar cause it??


The main cause of diabetes

The main reason for this is that most of the sweets you eat are made from sugar. So eating such foods makes you diabetic. So avoid eating such sugar and if you can't avoid it, please reduce it.

Sugar Alternatives

Friends, there are many foods produced in the world which are sugar free. That is, those that are sweet, but not sugar, instead of sugar, other sweeteners are used. Which are not as dangerous to your health as sugars.

Sugar Kills Insulin. 

When sugar enters the body, it lowers the insulin that protects you from diabetes, causing your body to raise glucose and causing you to become diabetic. So reduce the amount of sugar from today.


You may be wondering, what are some foods that are sugar free? For that click on the following link. Keep in mind that eating these foods will not have any bad effect on your health and to be specific, even diabetics can eat these foods.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

What is it that satisfies the sweet cravings and also doesn't spoil the health.

     Many people have diabetes, especially people over the age of 50. There are also women in it. When we reach our 40s to 50s, our immunity becomes very weak. So we cannot face any disease. But we blame it on our growing age. Our immune system is not as weak at 40-50 as we think. But with advancing age we also get dreaded diseases like diabetes and when we get this disease we have to give up all our favorite sweet treats. This means that people who have diabetes are completely deprived of sweetness. No matter how much they crave for sweets, they cannot eat them. Now who will we blame for this?? As we grow older, our cravings for sweets. The real answer is your sugar intake.


Yes, sugar can cause diseases like diabetes. So we have to give up sweets. This is very annoying for many people, because they crave sweets.

 But suppose if it happens, you can eat sweets and it does not have any bad effect on your health. Because we are going to tell you the foods that will not cause you diabetes or any disease. Know which foods bring sweetness to your life. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

What is arthritis? Know the main reasons for this.

     Arthritis is a disease in which swelling occurs in the joints, hence we call it rheumatism. This leads to massive changes in the bones and joints of the body, which means the swelling becomes prominent.


Now let us know the main causes of arthritis.


When you get arthritis, know that the amount of sugar in your body has increased. That is, the main cause of arthritis is sugar. This disease is mainly found in elderly people. This is because their sugar intake increases as they age. Therefore, arthritis is more common in such people. So, should we completely give up eating sugar now, if not. It is believed that sugar is also very important for our body. But it should be less.

It is enough for us to eat 1 to 1.5 teaspoons of sugar in a day. But we do not look back to eat 30 to 40 teaspoons in a day.

Because of this we get not only arthritis but also serious diseases like diabetes.


What is arthritis? Know the main reasons for this.

Then in such a situation, there was a big challenge for people who like to eat sweets. They have to control themselves a lot. But for such people we have come up with a great solution that is "Keto Dessert After 50". It tells you how to prepare sugar-free desserts. Try it today.

The Realistic Approach to Reduce Weight Without Sacrificing Your Favorite Desserts


The Realistic Approach to Reduce Weight Without Sacrificing Your Favorite Desserts

Introduction: The Need For A New Approach To Weight Loss

In a world where the average person is becoming heavier, it is important to take a new approach to weight loss. In this article, we will explore some of the most effective ways of losing weight.

Weight loss has always been seen as an important aspect of one's health and fitness. Losing weight can help you to improve your health, feel better about yourself and even live longer. However, in recent years, more people are becoming overweight or obese than ever before. This has caused many people to struggle with their weight in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and body mass index.

How to Eat Your Favorite Desserts and Maintain a Healthy Diet

In this section, we will discuss how to maintain a healthy diet while eating your favorite desserts. This article aims to show that it is possible to enjoy your favorite desserts without feeling guilty.

Losing weight is not an easy task, but maintaining weight loss is much easier than losing weight in the first place. One of the most important things you can do for yourself is find ways to make healthy foods more appealing and tasty. Eating healthy does not mean you have to give up the foods you love or feel like you are on a diet all the time.

Don't Sacrifice Your Fav Dessert

5 Ways That You Can Enjoy Dessert While Dieting Without Sacrificing Health And Goals

Dessert is a food that is usually associated with indulgence. It makes us feel good and it tastes great. There are many ways to enjoy dessert while dieting without sacrificing health and goals.

1. Use dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and flavonoids which can help improve heart health, lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar levels, and improve brain function.

2. Make your own: Making your own desserts can be a fun way to satisfy your cravings without the guilt of processed sweets from the store. You can make desserts like brownies or cookies from scratch using healthier ingredients like whole wheat flour or coconut oil instead of butter or margarine; you can also make healthier versions of popular desserts such as cheesecake by using low-fat cream cheese or

hen we diet, the last thing that we want to do is give up dessert. However, there are many ways that you can enjoy desserts while staying healthy and on track with your goals.

3. Low-Calorie Desserts: There are many low-calorie desserts that you can make at home or buy pre-made in grocery stores. These will satisfy your sweet tooth without compromising your diet goals.

4.Healthy Alternatives: There are many ways to enjoy a dessert without making it unhealthy for yourself and your health goals, such as using fresh fruit instead of chocolate chips in the cookies or using a non-dairy milk instead of cream in the pudding.

5. Indulge Once A Week: You don't have to deprive yourself of desserts every day of the While it's important to eat clean, healthy and nutritious foods, it's also important to indulge in some sweet treats every week.

Conclusion: Making a Commitment to Enjoy Your Favorite Foods and Lose Weight

With the right mindset and commitment, we can lose weight while still enjoying our favorite foods.

Conclusion: We should not deprive ourselves of our favorite foods, but be mindful of what we eat. This way, we can enjoy our favorite foods without the guilt and still lose weight.


Learn more →


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sweet food cravings invite weight gain.

You must have wondered how eating sweets leads to weight gain. But this is true. If the amount of sweet foods is increased, it causes many changes in our body. Learn how.


By eating too much sweets, it increases the amount of insulin in our body and thus releases a chemical called dopamine in the body. This chemical makes us feel good. That is, the food we are eating is good, our body still wants it, that is, we start craving it. So we start eating more of such sweet foods. So many elements are created in our body due to sweet foods. Which are very harmful to the body. Due to this, the amount of fat in the body increases and our weight increases. So doctors also tell us to eat sweet foods in limit.


Sweet food cravings invite weight gain.

Sweet foods are dangerous but it is very important that you know the reason why they are dangerous. Sweets are usually made from sugar. This sugar plays a major role in weight gain. So you have to start eating sugar free food. Learn more about such foods…

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Control Fatigue Caused by Improper amount of Sugar by Eating Healthy Dessert.

There are many causes of fatigue. One of the most common ones is low or high sugar content. Our body needs the right amount of sugar. Sugar causes many positive changes in our body. But if it becomes imbalanced, we have to face many bad consequences. One of them means tiredness.


Fatigue is a problem that is usually felt in the elderly but in today's life, it is also seen in the younger generation. If the amount of sugar is high, problems such as excessive urination, fatigue, shortness of breath, dry skin and itching of the body occur, and if the amount of sugar is reduced, the muscles and tissues work to transport sugar to the body. So it is very important to have the right amount of sugar in the body.



According to doctors, the body needs 80 to 130 milliliters per deciliter of sugar before meals and less than 180 milliliters per deciliter after meals.


Sugar causes fatigue

An increased amount of sugar is called high blood sugar and a decreased amount is called low blood sugar. So, if you ever feel tired for no reason, visit a doctor immediately.


In such a strange situation, you may have wondered why you should not eat sugar. But if you have low blood sugar then you have to increase the amount of sugar and if you have high blood sugar you have to avoid eating sugar. In both such situations, it is appropriate to eat sugar-free foods. That means you have to stop eating foods made of processed sugar. For that, you should take the book "Keto Dessert After 50" which has many beautiful dessert recipes. These desserts are completely healthy. Try it first then believe it.

Friday, September 16, 2022

If you want to avoid arthritis, beware of sugar.

Rheumatoid arthritis is mainly found in elderly people. But nowadays this disease is also seen in the youth. But do you know the main cause of this disease? In today's article I am going to tell you about this disease.

If You Want to Avoid Arthritis, Beware of Sugar

This disease is mainly caused by eating sugar. Eating sugar causes swelling of the body. Sometimes this sugar also causes obesity. So even doctors advise not to eat sugar. The same thing happens in arthritis. So people who have arthritis should stay away from sugar. Not only this, you should also avoid all sugary foods.


Arthritis is mainly a symptom of increased sugar intake. The swelling in arthritis causes extensive changes in the bones and joints. So we should avoid sugar and sugar products.

People who have arthritis and who have a strong appetite for sweet foods. Such people go through a lot of trouble, because they need to control their mind a lot. But, such persons can also eat sweet foods. If you suggest foods that do not contain sugar as a harmful ingredient but other alternatives that are healthy, you will not have any adverse effects on your arthritis. Learn how.

Sugar poses serious health risks, especially after age 50.

Is there a person around us who does not eat sugar? If you go to search, you will find only as many people as you can count. Because most of the people are consuming sugar. But people who don't eat sugar, have you ever thought why these people don't eat sugar??? Sugar is so sweet, why don't they like to eat sugar??? These people do not eat sugar because they know the ill effects of sugar. They know very well how dangerous sugar is, how bad its effects are on our health. So these people do not like to eat sugar. You might think that eating sugar is going to do the trick, but you may not know that sugar is like poison. Find out why.

Everyone knows that sugar is made from sugarcane. But once this sugarcane juice is prepared, it cannot be kept for long as it turns black immediately. That is, bacteria start to form in this. Because of this, it does not last long. It gets worse. In the sugar factory, chemicals are added to the juice to prevent it from turning black, and not only that, but also to keep the color of the sugar white, it has to go through various processes. Such sugar is harmful to the body. So we have to face many diseases like weight gain, hair loss, diabetes.

Sugar poses serious health risks, especially after age 50.

Sugar is especially dangerous for people over the age of 50, as their immune system is too weak to fight such diseases. So sugar is like poison to them. But apart from sugar we can use other substances.

Learn how to make sugary substitutes for everyday life thatare sweet and healthy too.

Sugar free desserts for adults

By the time we reach the age of 50, our body is no longer supporting us. Our immunity goes down and we start getting different diseases. Like, body fatigue, hair loss, arthritis, skin damage and most importantly diabetes.

 Most of the elderly people have diabetes and suffer a lot because of it, as they have to give up their favorite sweets. No matter how much they want to eat, those people cannot eat desserts. In short, the sweetness of their life is over. 

Sugar free desserts for adults

Why this all happens is because these elderly people have not controlled their sweet intake from the beginning and because of this they have to face this problem in their old age. But suppose you can eat your favorite foods even after the age of 50 and it doesn't affect your health in any way. This is easily possible, because most of the diseases we get are probably caused by the sugar we consume on a daily basis. Sugar is processed so we have to face various diseases. So we have to accept such sweet foods, which do not containsugar.

Satisfy your sweet tooth and sugar cravings.

We all know how dangerous sugar is. Because sugar is a processed ingredient. There are many chemicals used in it so we advise everyone to stay away from sugar. But giving up sugar is not easy for everyone. Because this sugar has become your habit, it is difficult for you to give it up. But giving up sugar doesn't mean you have to give up sweets.

Everything in the human body needs to be balanced. So you also need to eat sweets. It is believed that eating sweets makes your day happy. But don't satisfy those sweet cravings with sugar. Because this sugar plays an important role in making you sick in the future, especially as you get older. Because then your immunity is very low. So you should reduce the amount of sugar.

Satisfy your sweet tooth and sugar cravings.

Then now you have to satisfy your sweet tooth and your sugar cravings too. How do you do that?

There are many substances in the market that you can use instead of sugar. Like jaggery, granulated sugar etc. This reduces your risk of getting sick. But again, if you want dessert recipes, you can order Keto Dessert Recipes Cookbook. It has many dessert recipes that you can use to make delicious desserts and the recipes are free from processed sugars. So these recipes are healthy for you. These recipes are for adults only. No sugar is used. So even if you have diabetes, you can eat these comfortably.

You can easily satisfy your sweet cravings by eating such recipes. So there is no need for you to live on your mind. try it now....

Thursday, September 15, 2022

low carb desserts

     Carbohydrates are the main cause of weight gain. When the amount of carbohydrates in the body increases, so does our weight. So we need to eat foods that are low in carbohydrates. The same rule applies to desserts as well. Desserts also contain carbohydrates. Eating carbohydrates within the daily limit does not have any ill effects. But if its quantity is more, fat starts to increase. People who are dessert lovers need to be careful in this matter. Because one has to suffer the side effects of this sooner or later and the result is most visible in the elderly. Immunity is very low in old people. Diseases caused by it do not heal quickly. Therefore, it is more important for them to control themselves in the beginning and if they are overweight, it creates a lot of problems. We cannot walk for a long time, many problems arise like arthritis, knee pain, shortness of breath.

low carb desserts

If we start all these things from today, we will see good results in the future.

     But what about those who have already gained weight or who have consumed too many carbohydrates so far? The solution to this is that we have to try low fat recipes or desserts from today. But that doesn't mean you have to eat bland or unsweetened foods. We want to make food that is not only sweet but also tasty. This will give you two benefits, you can eat your favorite recipes, desserts and your health will not deteriorate. Learn More....

Live like a Youth. Be Energetic.

Many Elderly people are concerned about their health. The reason is their increasing age. They are not supported by their body. Feeling weak. In such a situation such people become very depressed. In front of them, they remember the things of their old, i.e., their youth. They feel many things like how they had fun in their life when they were young, how they lived their life. They feel that there is no other option left before them.

Live LIke a Youth. Be Energetic

But it is not so. There are many old people who remain very energetic and live their lives even in their old age and young people are amazed to see such people. You may be wondering how this is possible. The main reason for this is your diet or the sweet foods you eat. Yes, the sweet foods you eat are also contributing to your condition. Because it contains sugar.

Eating too much sugar weakens our immune system, making us feel weak. People who eat too much sugar also develop diabetes. You must know this. Note that eating sweets does not cause diabetes, but eating sugars does. Cut sugar out of your life and see the difference. You may be wondering how you can live without sugar. But we have brought you recipes that are sweet without sugar. So you can eat sweets and you won't get diabetes.

Eating such a recipe is very beneficial for you. That is, it will not have any bad effect on your health. On the contrary, you feel energetic by eating such dessert recipes. So you will feel healthy and fit. Doing this will inspire the youth too.

Keep going on the keto diet without sacrifice your dessert.

     Many people are very seroius about their health. Especially because of their weight gain problem and for that they are trying hard. Like, exercise, diet etc and keto diet has a lot in it. But in this kind of diet you have to give up eating sugar i.e. eating sweet foods because sugar is a very harmful substance.

 It acts as poison for your health. So you have to completely avoid sugar while dieting and this sugar also plays a very important role in weight gain. So it is necessary to give up sugar. But this is a big problem for people who are fond of sweets because their life is incomplete without sweets, in a way it can be said that they are fans of desserts and to eat such sweets they stop worrying about their health and not only that, they end up They also sacrifice the adopted diet, because they cannot control their mind.

Keep going on the keto diet without sacrifice your dessert.

     Then what will be the solution to such a problem.??

     You need to diet on one hand and pamper yourself on the other.

     From this I would say that if both of these things are easily possible for you then will your special fit. Yes it is easy to do. You don't need to sacrifice your diet plan because of sugar. That means you can eat your favorite desserts without any hassle. Learn how.


Improve mental clarity and focus. Especially After 50.

     When your age is more than 50. Then our intellect does not support us, we do not remember many things, we cannot even focus on anything. So we are always irritated. But we don't know the exact reason. We ignore it as a fault of our age. Many people face this problem.


     The real reason for this is our diet. We include many such foods in our diet. Which are dangerous for our health. Like, sugar. Although this ingredient is sweet to eat, it is poisonous in large quantities. Sugar is a processed food. So its excessive consumption is harmful to health.

Improve mental clarity and focus. Especially After 50.

     This sugar slowly affects our body and we have to face the bad consequences in future. This has a great impact on our intelligence. Because many chemicals are put in our body without knowing it. So we become deaf with age.

     Now what will be the solution. So you need to eliminate sugar from your life or reduce its consumption. And eat healthy foods that don't contain sugar.

     You don't need to find such ingredients. Because we guide you how to prepare these dishes. Learn how.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Glucose contribution to diabetes and its elimination.

     We are consuming different foods in our daily meals. We get energy from it. This energy is obtained from carbohydrate and protein. Glucose is produced from these substances. This glucose needs to be in proper amount in the body, otherwise our body is likely to develop diseases like diabetes. Therefore, it is necessary to control the amount of glucose. When this glucose is produced, it needs to enter our cells and insulin plays a very important role in getting the glucose into these cells.

     Insulin acts as a key for glucose. It is very important for glucose to enter the body otherwise it gets absorbed into our blood and that is why we get diabetes. Therefore, it is very important to have the same amount of glucose and insulin in the body. Potatoes, rice, sugar, milk, sweets, milk products are responsible for the formation of such glucose.

Glucose contribution to diabetes and its elimination.

     Therefore, it is very important to have a healthy and nutritious diet to maintain the proper glucose and insulin levels. The "Keto Desserts After 50" cookbook explains what and how to prepare them. So if you want to avoid diabetes and live a healthy life, then definitely try this book.

Enjoy your favorite desserts.

     Some people love sweets so much that they eat only sweets 3 to 4 times a day. A day does not go well without them eating sweets. But you know what happens if you eat too much of these sweets. Eating too much sugar increases the chances of diabetes. So we need to control sweet foods from the beginning. Diabetes is a disease in which you cannot even eat sweet foods. On the contrary, you also have to take care of your health. If you get a small wound somewhere, it doesn't heal quickly. You also need to go to the doctor for that. So it is very important to take care of this from the beginning.

Enjoy Your Fav Desserts

     Diabetes is more common in older people. So it is very important to take proper care of them. The biggest side effect of this disease is that you have to stay away from your favorite sweets. You have to have a lot of control over yourself. Because in this situation sweet things are more dangerous to us than poison. So we have to stay away from these foods. Which is not easy.

Here is Your Fav Dessert

     So you choose foods that are sweet but will not give you diabetes. The main cause of diabetes is sugar. Sugar is the main cause of your diabetes. So you have to use other ingredients instead. Know which foods are harmful to health and how to prepare them. So you can enjoy your favorite desserts.

Don't sacrifice your favorite Sweets/ Desserts

     Some people love sweets so much that they eat dessert while traveling, after meals, in the garden, in breakfast. Sweets are their life. Even if they are not given food at one time, but they want sweet things and such people are looking for new dessert recipe every day. 

Don't Sacrifice Your Fav Desserts

But if anything goes beyond the limit, we have to face its bad consequences. So it is very important to control it. Because the increasing amount of sweet foods leads to diabetes and once you have diabetes you cannot eat dessert or sweet foods for the rest of your life. Especially after the age of 50. After diabetes you have to completely give up your favorite sweet foods. It is a big challenge for you. You have to pass the ordeal in a way. You have to compromise in your life.

Your Fav Desserts

     So who would like such a life???

     Because if you have to give up the food that you love the most, life becomes dull.

     So now you are thinking about what is the alternative. But if I say that you don't have to compromise in your life, what will be your process. That means you don't have to give up sweets or desserts even if you have diabetes and especially it won't harm your health at all. Whether the person is young or old. So you can eat sweet food every day without any hesitation.go for it.....

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Diabetes can affect your eyes

     We all know the importance of our eyes, because if we don't have eyes, our life is in vain, we can't bear the thought of not having eyes, so it is very important that we take good care of our eyes. No, I am not asking you to stay away from TV, mobile. Because you already know all these things. So you don't need to be told to take care of these things. I am telling you that if you don't want to lose your eyes, you have to control your sugar.

Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes

Now you may be wondering what effect sugar can have on your eyes. But this is true. Learn how.


Sugar is so dangerous that it causes diabetes and this diabetes is not just a disease but it can also cause you to lose your eyes. This disease caused by diabetes is called Dibetec Retinopathy.

Stop Diabetes

 In this disease, the patient does not feel anything for the first 1 to 2 years. But then the symptoms start appearing. That is why doctors ask for an eye examination once a year.


Friends, does this mean you should stop eating sweets now? There are substances in the world that cannot prevent you from developing diabetes. For that you need to choose the right foods. Knowing how to make it is also very important. Learn more...

Dessert Recipe After 50

     You already know how dangerous sugar is because it is a processed ingredient. Process means it has to go through many hazardous chemicals to make it. Such chemicals are used to make sugar white, but this causes harm to the body. But even though such sugar is so dangerous, it is consumed in large quantities all over the world. 

Dessert Recipe After 50

You must be thinking now, what happens when you eat sugar. For your information, everyone's immunity is different and this immunity helps us a lot to fight disease. But we get the benefit of this only at the age of 20 to 30 years. Because this resistance is very strong at this age and as the age increases this strength decreases. So after the age of 50 we start getting various diseases. But we then leave the subject as the fault of our age. 

Be Happy With Eating Our Dessert

     Now you must be wondering that we can't stop eating sweets but eating sugar is also not good so what to do now.?? Note that not only do we have to give up sugar, but we also don't have to cut out desserts from our lives. Learn how. We want to use other ingredients instead of sugar. Jackfruit, sweet but not harmful to health, is beneficial. This will also allow you to eat your sweet treats without harming your health and if you want to know how to make such treats, learn more. This will allow you to eat sweets even after the age of 50. So even if you don't have diabetes. You can eat dessert recipes to your heart's content. 

Boost Your Immune System By Eating Desserts.

     Everyone likes sweet food. If there is any good news, we celebrate by eating sweets and double our happiness. But we all know that eating too much sweets can lead to serious diseases like diabetes. When we have diabetes, we feel weak. You don't feel like doing any work. This is because our immune system is weakened.


     This is how we know that diabetes is a terrible disease and why we get this diabetes??? The main reason is sugar. This sugar invites not only diabetes but also other diseases. So avoid eating such dangerous sugar today. You may be thinking that eating sweets is causing this disease, but it is not. Eating sweets gives our body glucose. This glucose is beneficial to the body. That gives us strength. So eating sweet foods is equally important. But excessive consumption of anything is dangerous for us.

Boost your immune system by eating desserts.

     Overall, sugar also weakens your immune system. So avoid this sugar and eat foods that will not give you diseases like diabetes. We suggest such dishes for you...Learn How... 

Monday, September 12, 2022

We Put Harmful Substances In Our Body.

     Whenever we get a disease, we are responsible for it, because we are consuming food that is harmful to our body. At first we feel very good to eat them, such things make us happy. Because we are used to them. We cannot live without consuming such foods. Therefore, it is important that we do not make a habit of such foods.


     You may be wondering what are the foods that are causing us so much harm. There are many such substances viz. Sugar, salt, oil. These ingredients are always used in our daily life and food, but did you know that consuming more of them is not good for you. It invites many diseases to you. We get many diseases like obesity, diabetes, shortness of breath, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure. Which makes us thirsty for life.


     Sugar acts as poison for us. Because it uses chemicals. So we face different diseases. One of them is diabetes...

      Oil increases our cholesterol which causes problems like weight gain, shortness of breath, sweating. So we should always use the oil well and change the oil regularly.

      Too much salt is also not good. Because of this, our bones become watery.

     We cannot stop consuming such foods but we can control it.