Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Diabetes can affect your eyes

     We all know the importance of our eyes, because if we don't have eyes, our life is in vain, we can't bear the thought of not having eyes, so it is very important that we take good care of our eyes. No, I am not asking you to stay away from TV, mobile. Because you already know all these things. So you don't need to be told to take care of these things. I am telling you that if you don't want to lose your eyes, you have to control your sugar.

Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes

Now you may be wondering what effect sugar can have on your eyes. But this is true. Learn how.


Sugar is so dangerous that it causes diabetes and this diabetes is not just a disease but it can also cause you to lose your eyes. This disease caused by diabetes is called Dibetec Retinopathy.

Stop Diabetes

 In this disease, the patient does not feel anything for the first 1 to 2 years. But then the symptoms start appearing. That is why doctors ask for an eye examination once a year.


Friends, does this mean you should stop eating sweets now? There are substances in the world that cannot prevent you from developing diabetes. For that you need to choose the right foods. Knowing how to make it is also very important. Learn more...

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