Monday, September 19, 2022

What is arthritis? Know the main reasons for this.

     Arthritis is a disease in which swelling occurs in the joints, hence we call it rheumatism. This leads to massive changes in the bones and joints of the body, which means the swelling becomes prominent.


Now let us know the main causes of arthritis.


When you get arthritis, know that the amount of sugar in your body has increased. That is, the main cause of arthritis is sugar. This disease is mainly found in elderly people. This is because their sugar intake increases as they age. Therefore, arthritis is more common in such people. So, should we completely give up eating sugar now, if not. It is believed that sugar is also very important for our body. But it should be less.

It is enough for us to eat 1 to 1.5 teaspoons of sugar in a day. But we do not look back to eat 30 to 40 teaspoons in a day.

Because of this we get not only arthritis but also serious diseases like diabetes.


What is arthritis? Know the main reasons for this.

Then in such a situation, there was a big challenge for people who like to eat sweets. They have to control themselves a lot. But for such people we have come up with a great solution that is "Keto Dessert After 50". It tells you how to prepare sugar-free desserts. Try it today.

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