Monday, September 12, 2022

We Put Harmful Substances In Our Body.

     Whenever we get a disease, we are responsible for it, because we are consuming food that is harmful to our body. At first we feel very good to eat them, such things make us happy. Because we are used to them. We cannot live without consuming such foods. Therefore, it is important that we do not make a habit of such foods.


     You may be wondering what are the foods that are causing us so much harm. There are many such substances viz. Sugar, salt, oil. These ingredients are always used in our daily life and food, but did you know that consuming more of them is not good for you. It invites many diseases to you. We get many diseases like obesity, diabetes, shortness of breath, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure. Which makes us thirsty for life.


     Sugar acts as poison for us. Because it uses chemicals. So we face different diseases. One of them is diabetes...

      Oil increases our cholesterol which causes problems like weight gain, shortness of breath, sweating. So we should always use the oil well and change the oil regularly.

      Too much salt is also not good. Because of this, our bones become watery.

     We cannot stop consuming such foods but we can control it.

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