Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sweet food cravings invite weight gain.

You must have wondered how eating sweets leads to weight gain. But this is true. If the amount of sweet foods is increased, it causes many changes in our body. Learn how.


By eating too much sweets, it increases the amount of insulin in our body and thus releases a chemical called dopamine in the body. This chemical makes us feel good. That is, the food we are eating is good, our body still wants it, that is, we start craving it. So we start eating more of such sweet foods. So many elements are created in our body due to sweet foods. Which are very harmful to the body. Due to this, the amount of fat in the body increases and our weight increases. So doctors also tell us to eat sweet foods in limit.


Sweet food cravings invite weight gain.

Sweet foods are dangerous but it is very important that you know the reason why they are dangerous. Sweets are usually made from sugar. This sugar plays a major role in weight gain. So you have to start eating sugar free food. Learn more about such foods…

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