Saturday, September 10, 2022

Eliminate processed sugar from your life.

 Sugar is an important ingredient in everyone's life. We use it in every sweet dish. No sweet recipe is complete without sugar. This shows how important sugar is. But, do you know that even though sugar is sweet, it is dangerous to eat.

Sugar is a very harmful ingredient for you or your body. This is because sugar is not natural but processed. It has to go through many chemical processes for its formation. When sugar is manufactured, various harmful chemicals are used in it to prevent it from turning black and to make it appear white. Chemicals that can easily make us sick.

Eating sugar makes us face major diseases in future especially in old age. A great example of that is diabetes. Have you ever wondered why only those who eat sugar get diabetes? This is because sugar is processed and slowly builds up harmful compounds in our body. You can try any other foods instead of sugar so you don't feel the risk of diabetes, because those foods are not processed and even if they are processed, they are never as dangerous as sugar. So sugar is very dangerous for us especially in old age when we are young sugar can't affect us much because when we are young our immune system is very strong and as we get older our immune system weakens. So we should give up sugar and if it is not possible to give up then we should reduce its consumption.

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